My reference to due process was not the right to ride a PWC, but the process initiated for 'stakeholders' to have a voice in the process that was equitable and sustainable for future recreational access. The review process result was decided before the process had even begun, and the stakeholders whom attended the meetings, well there was no consensus that was agreed upon in the meetings. There was no tolerance of a PWC being able to access sanctuary waters outside of sensitive MPA zones. And PWC's should not have full access to sensitive zones, nor should any other activity. There was no loophole as stated, so that was given to the public as a 'reason'. There was not a 'single' scientific study conducted in these waters of question that applied to the issue itself. Outdated comments were applied from other waterways that were out of state or not the same environment. The nuclear waste issue, how come there is not a highly visible program project that we view the science and data on it? How can a 10 top threat PWC sit alongside a nuclear waste zone that surely has these 'scientific' studies and evals applied, but nothing for a PWC..that is not equitable in my opinion, and yes I am not a highly educated person, just asking questions that seem plausible to me. Recreational boating is a privilige, not a liberty.Tolerance is a strength of character and requires if not demands leadership qualities in any individual to best be able to have 'understanding'.In terms of anonymity. I put my name to my posts, my reputation and my business. An anonymous post is entertaining but carries no valor or credibility. Like many opponents of truth, these posts are making statements that are once again creating and lending to the myths people who are weak will adopt without asking the 'source'. Creating an 'enemy' is safe because one can project prejudice and feel safe that one is the saviour while the other is the devil. Not true. We are all in the same boat so to say. FACT: I teach lifesaving boating education courses. FACT these posters have not attended a class. FACT: We teach ecology and respect to marine life and have for years. FACT: Our education helps the same concerns that Surfrider and NOAA have. FACT: K38 and its affiliates are PARTNERS not adversaries with Surfrider and NOAA, however statements that are not truthful, yes I and my affiliates will point the FACTS straight. FACT: K38 has given 160 FREE scholarships to towsurfers and others on behalf of lifesaving and boating safety education in California specific to the towsurfing problem. FACT: K38 is a leader if not the source of trying to educate operators on the behavior, which is exactly what this whole ban is really about, not environmental or user conflict issues, of which we are also concerned about. FACT: If a business such as K38 is impacted whereas it is blocked from training/teaching/educating users no matter if they are recreational or occupational, from conducting business, the general safety of our waterways is diminished and yes, liability increases. Who assumes the liability? Anonymous perhaps? As far as making money, that is pretty funny, do you work so you can give your money away on behalf of others and live a life of sacfrice so others benefit from your dedication? LOL That is the 'have not's take from the haves' mentality that creates a very selfish vein of entitlement. K38 probably has done more for the surfing and boating community singlehandley by a middle aged mother and her children than all these anonymous posters, and if any of these 'anonymous' posters would like a free scholarship to see for yourself how evil our educational outreach programs are and the damage they incur to the safety of our public, write me at my private email addy: mhtml:%7B082E423F-6AB0-4AE7-A8C7-9B438E9485AF%7Dmid://00000040/!x-usc:mailto:K38rescue@aol.comI hope the only time I create a wake for you is when I'm coming out to rescue you and save your life or one of our trained students. So you can come home to your loved ones and enjoy your daily walks and encounters with sea otters in the lineup and enjoy surfing for what it truly is, a free gift of the ocean.And it is a shame that people are abusing boating safety, agreed. And it is a shame when you run a red light and get away with it, and it is a shame when there are so many surfers in the lineup that the crowds are creating negative vibes and the parking spaces are limited, its all a shame isn't it? But let's not go there, it's too close to home.It is also a shame that people such as yourself and Surfrider chapters do not volunteer to make a difference and educate those who truly need the help, such as PWC users. It does no good to throw stones without changing the impact of how that stone hits and whom. My invitation: Come to our classes or our association meetings, or to boating clubs and help get the message of accountability and educational needs to the source of contention. Forcing bans on recreational activities funnels problems, it doesn't cure them at all. Not being able to see the reason of fellowship and kindness is what is tearing America apart and allowing organizations to be used as pawns to create the same ridiculous mudslinging our elected officials adopt and we suffer for it. To change the perception, the behaviors and the human issues that are really the crux of this argument. That is what I am trying to do, both by educating the boating public, and other waterway users, at the end of the day we are all brothers and sisters, not enemies.Thank you for all your postings, I respect and value your opinions and time and I wish you all the best in your lives and livelihoods. Thank you for allowing me to participate. Much appreciated.Shawn AlladioK38 Water Safety
From the blogger - protect your right to ride PWC, join the AWA
For more information of PWC endurance and PWC Offshore Racing, go to